Saved by Grace and “Not What My Hands Have Done” (#245)

One of the most wonderful words in a Christian’s vocabulary is “grace.”  It thrills us (and honors the Lord) to remember what God has done for us … and why.  He has taken on Himself, through His Son, the punishment for our sins, thereby satisfying divine justice, so that He is both just and the justifier of the ungodly (Romans 3:26).  And this has been accomplished apart from anything we have done.  We were incapable of doing anything to earn or achieve, or even maintain, this standing of being forgiven sinners and adopted children of God.

From the very earliest pages of Scripture, we find God to be a God of grace.  After Adam and Eve sinned by their disobedience in the Garden of Eden, God did not pour out His wrath on them, as they deserved.  Instead, He announced a covenant of grace with His Son by which He Himself would rescue their descendants, who had fallen by virtue of the fall of Adam, their federal head, their representative.  It was grace that prompted Him to do that.  It was grace that led Him to save Noah and his family (“Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD,” Genesis 6:8). It was grace that prompted God to come to Abraham with His promise to make Him the father of a great elect nation, more numerous than the stars of the heavens or the grains of sand on the seashore, as recorded in Genesis 22:17.

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The Saints’ Great Privilege and “Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners” (#244)

The Bible gives us many words that describe the Lord.  That’s especially evident in the Psalms, where we are told that He is our rock, our fortress, our strong tower, our Savior, our Redeemer, our shield, our hiding place, our keeper, our shade, our refuge, our shelter, and our strength, just to name a few.  But one of the most wonderful privileges we enjoy is that we can call Jesus our friend.  And even more amazing is that He calls us His friends!  This is what we read in the Gospel of John in 15:14-15.  “You are My friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.”

We all have people in our lives who are our friends and who would consider us their friends.  Friendship is a wonderful relationship.  Our friends bring us joy as we share experiences together, as we tell one another what we appreciate about that friend, and the things we love to do to bring happiness into their hearts.  Friends accept each other despite their mutual faults and failings, they lift up one another when things don’t go well, and they stand up to defend each other when they or their reputations are attacked.  Friends stand beside us when others reject us. Friends speak the truth to us when we are heading in the wrong direction.  Friends sit with us when we’re hurting physically or emotionally.

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Worthy Is the Lamb and “O Could I Speak the Matchless Worth” (#243)

In Revelation 4 and 5, we are privileged to read the actual words that are continuously being sung in heaven by the saints and angels, gathered in concentric circles around the throne of God.  The song, in three slightly different variations, is found in 4:11, 5:9-10, and 5:12. In all three, the common denominator is the word “worthy” as a description of Jesus, the Lamb of God.  The Greek word for worthy, axios, is a word that indicates not only value, but also authority, majesty, and power, as well as of great importance and influence. 

The scroll that the apostle John saw in that amazing Lord’s Day vision was written on both sides, likely symbolizing the full details of all that God has planned from eternity for the history of redemption, both in this life and on into eternity. John observed that it was sealed with seven seals (seven being the number of total fullness), implying that its contents – God’s plans – were sealed, awaiting someone who would be found “worthy” to open its seals, and therefore accomplish these divine redemptive plans.

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The Beatific Vision and “Face to Face” (#242)

In past generations, our ancestors found great joy and benefit in being reminded about heaven’s magnificence.  It’s not the appearance (as beautiful as it will be) or the conditions (as blissful as those will be) that should be most enticing to us.  Neither will it be the loved ones with whom we will be re-united or even just the new condition of our hearts, no longer carrying the guilt and embarrassment of our sinful nature.  No, the best part of heaven will be seeing our Savior, no longer through a glass darkly, but face to face (1 Corinthians 13:12). What a tremendous thing for us to look forward to!

When we review literature of the godly writers of years gone by, even centuries before us, we find them speaking not infrequently about “the beatific vision.”  Put most simply, that means the fulfilment of Jesus’ promise in the beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount that the pure in heart will see God (Matthew 5:8).  Sadly, we tend to read that too figuratively, when we should read it more literally: that in some way, we will actually see God!  And since God the Father is a spirit and does not have a physical body, this clearly means that we will see God in the person of the Son Jesus Christ.  As Jesus Himself said to Thomas in John 14:8-9, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father; for I and the Father are one.” 

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The Magi’s Song and “Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning” (#241)

In some branches of the church, Epiphany is one of the major festival days of the Christian year.  It marks the arrival of the Magi with their worship and gifts for the new-born Messiah.  It is only recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, but is an important part of the biblical nativity account, marking the fulfillment of prophecy of a salvation that would be for all the nations.  While not often noted in more evangelical circles (other than as part of the Christmas story), the theological significance of the gospel being for all people should be widely and deeply celebrated.

Though we commonly see the three Wise Men with their camels in manger scenes, it is quite clear that they did not arrive until some time later.  It may have been as much as two years, since Herod’s cruel order to kill the male children under two would suggest that Jesus was still an infant under that age.  In addition, since Mary and Joseph were still in the area of Jerusalem for the Mosaic requirements of circumcision, purification, and dedication, we know that they were near for at least six weeks.  Matthew tells us that the Magi came to a house, which must have been still in this southern region.  And since Mary and Joseph left for Egypt with the baby right after they were warned about Herod’s order, the Magi’s arrival must have immediately preceded that, having just left Herod’s court to visit the family. What we do know with certainty from scripture is not only that they came as Gentiles from a distant land, showing that the gospel is for all the world, but also that they brought costly and theologically significant gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

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World Missions and “Christ for the World We Sing” (#240)

The hearts of Christians beat with passion for the Lord Jesus, and for the Great Commission.  In a sense, that passage at the end of Matthew 28 could be called Jesus’ “last will and testament.”  But that wouldn’t be entirely accurate, since He still lives among us and dwells within us. His resurrected, glorified body was received into heaven at His ascension, but He promised that His spirit would be with us to the end of the age.  And in issuing this Great Commission, He assured us that we would not be carrying out that commission in our own strength, but by the power of the Holy Spirit.

One of the marks of a healthy church is that there be a widespread missions mentality.  This means more than simply assigning a portion of the church budget to support for missionaries and mission agencies.  That can and does happen, but then members of the church have little knowledge of it, and receive no encouragement to become emotionally and prayerfully engaged in missions.  In contrast, there are churches that promote missions by having a separate missions budget to which people are regularly invited to contribute, by praying for missionaries by name in morning worship, by including brief missions reports in Sunday announcements and monthly newsletters, by holding a missions conference (annually) with guest missionaries speaking to share their ministry reports and visiting at meals and in members’ homes, and by enlisting members to go on mission trips to spend a week or two with missionaries in the field to experience that foreign culture and see first-hand what church planting is all about.

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Welcoming a New Year and “Another Year Is Dawning” (#239)

Do you remember when it used to be common for churches to hold a “Watchnight Service” on New Year’s Eve?  We would have a covered dish dinner at church, with lots of delightful homemade dishes, and a lot of “left over” Christmas goodies.  Then we would play table games until 11:00 pm, at which time we would all move into the sanctuary.  It would be a quiet, subdued devotional service that included scriptures, hymns, testimonies of God’s blessings during the past year, prayer requests for the year ahead, and a brief devotional message from the pastor.  We would conclude with the lights turned low, coming forward row by row to receive the elements of the Lord’s Supper just before midnight, before wishing one another “Happy New Year” as we departed for home.  No fireworks; just loving fellowship.  Of course, we dare not do that whole thing these days because of the great number of drunk drivers on the roads at that hour.  How sad!

But we can enjoy an abbreviated version of that, concluding perhaps by 8 or 9 pm so as to be home before it becomes so dangerous.  If so, how wonderful to conclude one year and then begin the next with grateful praise and trust in the Lord, and in fellowship with our church family.  Hopefully whatever yourgathering will look like, it will include a time of worship, informed by God’s word so as to hear and claim God’s promises.  It could be a great opportunity to introduce a theme verse for the church for the year ahead, with the pastor bringing a short exposition of that, as people took the first step toward memorizing.  Perhaps something like Philippians 3:13-14, “But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus,” or 1 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

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42.  Christmas Eve and “Silent Night” (#42)

For Christmas this year, Dr. Roff has updated and expanded his study on this hymn. Enjoy! — ed.

Pastor Joe wasn’t sure what to do about the Christmas Eve service.  It was always a highlight for the musicians and congregation of his church in their little mountain village.  But the electricity had gone out, which meant that not only was there no heat and no lights, but also no power for the organ.  They didn’t have a piano, and no one played the accordion. So he consulted with Frank, their organist and choir director.  Pastor Joe could play a few things on his guitar, but he only knew three chords.  But with Frank’s help they came up with something at the last minute that they could use for the service.  It was simple enough for the singers to learn quickly, and which the congregation could pick up easily.  Joe wrote the words and Frank wrote a melody that would work with the three guitar chords.  And with candles, people could see well enough to sing along.  It actually went quite well.  When the repairman came later to fix things, they played what they had written to show him how they had managed.  He was so impressed by the song and by their ingenuity in coping with the disaster, he copied it down and shared it with others.  Soon it was being sung in churches all over every Christmas.

Well, that’s not exactly how “Silent Night” came to be written and sung 202 years ago, but that’s how it would have been told if a similar thing had happened this year (not to mention how the COVID-19 pandemic would have altered the scenario!).  Here’s the actual story.  It was Christmas Eve, 1818 at St. Nicholas Catholic Church in Oberndorf, a Bavarian village in Austria.  The young priest, Father Joseph Mohr (1792-1848), had come to the church the year before.  He had written the poem “Stille Nacht” two years earlier in Salzburg where he worked as an assistant priest in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars.  The organ at St. Nicholas church was not functioning and could not be repaired until Karl Mauracher, the organ builder who serviced the instrument, could get there weeks later.

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Luke’s Nativity Hymn no. 4; “Song of Simeon” (#238)

Once again we note that Luke is the only Gospel writer who includes what we’ve come to refer to as “the four nativity songs” or “canticles:” those of Mary (1:46-55), Zechariah (1:68-79), the angels (2:14), and Simeon (2:29-32).  These have each come to be known by the opening Latin words in the 5th century Vulgate: Mary’s “Magnificat,” Zechariah’s “Benedictus,” the angels’ “Gloria,” and Simeon’s “Nunc Dimittis.” How wonderful to note that the same Jesus who is hailed in song in heaven right now (as we read in Revelation 5:12: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and power and honor and glory and blessing”) was hailed in song as His coming into the world in His incarnation.

This fourth of Luke’s “Nativity Hymns” is known by the opening words in Latin, “Nunc Dimittis,” which means “now depart.”  That was the essence of the prayer offered by Simeon when he was privileged to see the infant Messiah.  Though the Bible does not say that he sang this prayer, it is entirely possible to describe it as a song since, like Zechariah’s “Benedictus” and Mary’s “Magnificat,” all three bear the unmistakable characteristics of a Hebrew psalm with the poetic style of the lyrics.

There are many places in Scripture where we would like to have been given more details.  What did Moses look like when he came down from Mr. Sinai? How big was the stone in David’s sling?  What did the angel’s voice sound like in Isaiah’s ears?  Was Daniel able to “pet” the lions in the den?  How many angels appeared in the sky to the shepherds of Bethlehem?  What did it look like to see the loaves and fishes multiplying as they were distributed?  Such curiosity can lead (and has led) some to miss the important central truth in each incident.  If we needed to know these things, God would have revealed them to us.

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Luke’s Nativity Hymn no. 3;  “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” (#237)

Luke’s Gospel narrative is unique in many ways, and among them is the attention he gave to the presence and role of angels in his nativity account.  It is from the mouth of angels that we have the third of Luke’s nativity hymns, their “Gloria in Excelsis Deo” (glory in the highest to God).  This Latin phrase has been featured in many choral settings, like Antonio Vivaldi’s 1715 twelve-movement “Gloria,” often performed by choirs at Christmas time. Luke’s four nativity carols are those of Mary (1:46-55), Zechariah (1:68-79), the angels (2:14), and Simeon (2:29-32).  These have each come to be known by the opening Latin words in the 5th century Vulgate: Mary’s “Magnificat,” Zechariah’s “Benedictus,” the angels’ “Gloria,” and Simeon’s “Nunc Dimittis.” 

There are quite a few hymns about angels in the Christmas sections of our hymnals.  Among them are “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing,” “Angels from the Realms of Glory,” “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night,” “Angels We Have Heard on High,” “The First Noel,” and Martin Luther’s hymn, “From Heaven High (or Above) to Earth I Come,” which puts the whole nativity story into lyrics as spoken by the angel.

 Another of those hymns in which we sing about the angels is “It Came upon the Midnight Clear.” It is the earliest American Christmas carol or hymn that is included in the repertoire of most hymnals and congregations throughout North America. Written on a snowy December Day by Edmund Sears (1810-1876), a Harvard graduate and Unitarian minister, it was first printed in 1849.  He wrote this text while serving as a pastor in Wayland, Massachusetts.

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