Facing Death with “Jesus Lives and So Shall I” (#166)

One of the ways a Christian’s funeral service can testify to the promise of the gospel is through the hymns that are selected for congregational singing.  If we choose to do so, every one of us has the ability to testify to our faith in the Lord by meeting with our pastor and family members to plan our funeral service ahead of time.  That would include not only the location and leadership, and the scriptures to be read and persons to speak and the theme of the message, but also the hymns to be sung.  The best choices will not merely be songs that have been our favorites, but songs that best communicate the faith that has sustained us on our journey toward glory, hymns that are valuable, not because of their sentimental value, but because of the glorious truths we want everyone to remember, and especially that communicate the gospel that unbelievers need to hear.

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