Crying for Justice and “O Jehovah, Hear My Words” (#159)

Because God is the God of perfect justice, we who have been made in His image have an innate longing for justice.  In fact, without a belief in the existence of this God and the moral law He has established, there is no explanation for the source of this longing for justice found in human hearts.  Apart from that awareness, how is it that in every culture and in every age, there has been a concept not merely of right and wrong, but more specifically of justice?  In many instances it may be perverted and imperfectly applied, but it’s always been there.  When we hear a news story about some terrible thing that has been done to an individual, we feel frustrated if the guilty party/parties are not apprehended and prosecuted.  This is true in the case of the career criminal, the drunken driver, the mean-spirited employer, the bribe-taking lawmaker, the child-abuser, the unfaithful spouse, the mean-spirited racist, or the wicked totalitarian government that brutalizes its citizens and invades its neighbor’s land.

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