When the revision of the “Trinity Hymnal” (the official hymnal of the Presbyterian Church in America and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, published in 1990) was being developed, the committee wanted to include as broad a spectrum of theological topics as possible to be able to be sung in worship of evangelical Presbyterian churches. They realized that one of the topics for which few hymns were available was that of infant (“covenant”) baptism. They found a couple of possibilities, but thought it would be good to add to that with a fresh composition.
They commissioned Edmund P. Clowney to write a new hymn to be included in that section on the sacraments. He was well-known to members of the revision committee from his ministry, including his seminary teaching and presidency, his authorship of books and articles, and some poetry as well. His wife, Jean, was a member of the hymnal revision committee, and agreed to pass along the request for this, as well as a couple of other “commissions.” The committee was delighted with his text for use on occasions when an infant was being baptized, “In Your Arms, Lord Jesus Christ,” and it is number 419 in the revised “Trinity Hymnal.”