It is the height (or should we say, the depth!) of foolishness to think that we can handle all the challenges of life on our own. We are dependent on help from many people and sources in all kinds of situations. In fact, there is nothing in our life in which we can function independent of assistance from others. It begins even before our birth, as we need a mother who will seek pre-natal care to insure that all goes well during her pregnancy while we are growing in her womb. We need her to feed and change us as a newborn in those early months after our birth. And that dependency continues all the way, even into our teen and adult years, as both mother and father guide, protect, and provide for us.
And how about all that we needed from teachers during our school years. Add to that all the things we have needed from medical professionals as problems have arisen with our health. And we dare not forget our dependence on friends whose wise counsel has so many times given us guidance in how best to respond to troubling situations in relationships. And here’s one more. How many of us could fix problems with our cars, our home air conditioning and plumbing, our retirement investments, and our job searches without help?